CumulusUtils is a tool for the amateur meteorologist who is less interested in computer technology, at least less interested to start with. It requires configuration and not programming skills. It generates modules - partial content - for website pages. It can be downloaded below and all modules and the generated site can be seen operational on my site. CumulusUtils can be used as a standalone website, as an additional dashboard to an existing website or as modular content of an existing website.
The code can be found here.
The tool is not 'a single shot have everything running' tool, it requires some understanding and thought about what you want and need to configure but it has logical and reasonable defaults. On the other hand: no additional tools are required so no MySQL, no PHP, no databases.
Read the Wiki, it functions as a manual (and please feedback if you think it is in error or incomplete).
The principal functionalities are:
- The Website Generator (1920x1080 resolution for best display)
- A Fire Weather Index (pwsFWI) specially designed for personal weather stations. See scientific background.
- The ChartsCompiler using CDL. This gives the user the possibility to completely freely define and generate charts for all weather variables within CMX (including userdefined and derivatives). See CutilsCharts-default-for-use.def in the distribution.
- A Extra Sensors web module (realtime, charting).
- Efficient charting of webtags (via CMX's CustomLogs)
- Efficient snow reporting from the diary, in both a ChartView and a TableView. Note that when automated snow measurement is used (with Laser Sensors) you can plot the Laser sensor results easily with ExtraSensors or CustomLogs and move those charts to wherever you want.
- (Climate) Graphs (Rain, Temperature, Wind, Solar - when available - and Miscellaneous);
- YADR – Yet Another Dayfile Reader (subset of all data);
- Records, Day records and a top10 record list;
- A system info page.
- A Map showing Cumulus(utils) installations
- NOAA reports
- Forecasts
- User Reports
- Station Map (only useful for larger monitors)
- Air Quality with a Table View and Graph View
(for the Davis AirLink and any device which responds to the webinterface of the AirLink e.g. the AQM III)
For those who are used to the [old classic] standard CMX website interface and would like to see more numbers in tables it should be pointed out that the CUtils feature UserReports most likely is able to fullfil your needs. Check out Andy's UserReports in this thread and on his site.
NOTES (please comply to prevent issues):
- Please put your website URL - or the URL of the or a page using CUtils - in the [Maps] Website= parameter.
- When running Windows 7 sp1, please apply this registry hack.
- From version 6.6.0 and up CumulusUtils requires Mono (and up) on Raspbian Linux (don't know about other Linux dialects). See release note. This procedure may help with removing/installing mono.
- From version 7.0.0 and up CumulusUtils requires dotnet (see CMX for how to install, please take note of this)
- When running on Windows the .exe is a 64 bit only executable. To run as 32 bit under Windows you must use the dotnet.exe to run the .dll like it is done on Linux.
- When running on an RPi (maybe too on other linux devices) make sure to adjust size of the swap file to at least the size of physical memory. CMX and CUtils are memory hungry. Table with System RAM => Recommended Swap Space follows:
- Less than 2GB => 2 x RAM
- 2GB-8GB => 1 x RAM
- 8GB-64GB => 0.5xRAM
- More than 64GB => Depend on workload