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Website newbie question

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009 10:37 pm
by LynnT
I am trying to setup my weather website and am having issues I have the website but it is not updating.
not sure what I am doing wrong, I am not new to building websites (but haven't done so in a long time) and I believe I have all the files uploaded to my "weather' directory and you can see that the pages are loading.
Any help will be greatly appreciated I can send screen prints of my directory or whatever is needed.


Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009 1:43 am
by beteljuice
Your updated pages are appearing one level up

Although all the rest of your files, including realtime.txt, are correctly in your /weather directory.

Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009 2:43 am
by LynnT
WOW thank you beteljuice - now I will figure out what in the world is happening there - probably a Frontpage issue - yes I know :roll:

I'll work on this later right now having a Guinness and celebrating St. Pat's Day!


Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009 8:12 pm
by LynnT
Thank you thank you - got page up and working
the only thing is - It will not automatically refresh the page - manually yes but not automatically any suggestions. I will search the forum too.

Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009 8:24 pm
by steve
Lynn, the pages don't automatically refresh, intentionally. If you really want them to do that, you'll need to use one of the usual techniques, e.g. a meta 'refresh' tag, or javascript or whatever.


Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009 8:49 pm
by LynnT
Thanks Steve,

BTW great program!!! could I make a request for the future tho? - I was using WUHU for uploading info to cwop, weather underground etc. and I really liked the feature they had on their control panel* and that was a link to those websites: would be nice to be able to send info to all of these sites from Cumulus because I love the fact that I do not need two programs running to get info and it creates a webpage too.
*see attached file

Thanks for the super program and your help.


Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009 9:27 pm
by steve
I'm not quite sure what you're asking for, the ability to upload to those sites - Cumulus does all of those already. Or the hyperlinks from the setup screen to the appropriate sites?


Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009 9:39 pm
by LynnT
Sorry for not making myself clear. :)

I was asking for the hyperlinks to these sites - just makes it real easy to check everything at once.
And can I upload to AWEKAS? I do not see that one in the upload area.

thanks again,

Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009 10:47 pm
by steve
LynnT wrote:And can I upload to AWEKAS? I do not see that one in the upload area.
As I understand it, AWEKAS just requires a file of a particular format to be uploaded to the root of your website. I believe someone has created a template, using Cumulus web tags, of the correct format, so all you have to do is add that to the custom files list. I may be making this up; but the AWEKAS web site does mention Cumulus, so it must be possible somehow.


Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009 5:35 pm
by LynnT

I had found a template on the forum for a short .txt file but Othmar (administrator) at AWEKAS said that was old and we should use the awekas_wl.htm template - I believe that is posted here too (it also on the AWEKAS site with variations for different weather stations) but I had to make a change in it for it to properly display the date here is what my .html file looks like.. The only value I don't seem to be able to get is pressure tendency to show up at AWEKAS I put the (what I believe to be ) the proper tag but it is not reporting at AWEKAS... I might try the <#presstrendval> tag and see what that does.
Big THANKS to whoever created this template!
If I can be of any help to anyone please e-mail me.

Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009 6:27 pm
by steve
<#presstrendval> is the trend in figures, which is probably what awekas wants, rather than <#presstrend>, which is words - "rising" etc.


Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2009 12:27 am
by LynnT

Actually FYI and anyone else running this template, I found out that it is the trend in words that AWEKAS wants. :)

Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2009 8:04 am
by steve
Oh, right. Thanks!


Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Mon 11 May 2009 11:03 am

We have a question at our forum about data transmission to AWEKAS. Can anybody write a litte manual at your forum (and/or) our forum.

I think data transfer now ok with CUMULUS and new file format. (like post LynnT)

Thanks Othmar

Re: Website newbie question

Posted: Tue 12 May 2009 5:59 am
by LynnT

Thought I had it done :( - what exactly do you need? and I will try to post it so people can read this topic and find the template what else can I do for anyone who wants to make Cumulus and Awekas work together. :-)

Working great for me. :D

look at here to see output of the template