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Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1004 is available.

- Fix displayed UV when calibration in use
- Fix timestamp of WMR200 logger rain
- <#forecastnumber> is always set even if Cumulus forecast not in use
- New web tag <#cumulusforecast> - always gives Cumulus (Zambretti) forecast
- New web tag <#wsforecast> - always gives station forecast (if available)
- Don't plot wind chill until first value calculated
- Don't reset rain counter if Davis logger doesn't go back far enough to fill the gap since previous run
- New tag <#HighWindrunRecordSet> (=1 if 'all time high wind run' LED is lit, otherwise 0)
- Change La Crosse station forecast to 'Clear' instead of 'Sunny', at night
- Today's dominant (i.e. average) wind direction (in degrees) added to dayfile.txt
- New 'dominant wind direction' web tags:
<#domwindbearing> Today's dominant wind direction in degrees
<#domwinddir> Today's dominant wind direction as compass point
<#domwindbearingY> Yesterday's dominant wind direction in degrees
<#domwinddirY> Yesterday's dominant wind direction as compass point
I've added these to the 'standard' today and yesterday web pages.
- Heating and Cooling Degree Days added to dayfile.txt (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_days)
- New heating/cooling degree days web tags:
<#heatdegdays> Today's heating degree days
<#cooldegdays> Today's cooling degree days
<#heatdegdaysY> Yesterday's heating degree days
<#cooldegdaysY> Yesterday's cooling degree days
- NOOA-style monthly and annual reports (see 'View' menu). A few items for these can be configured - see Configuration menu. Some items which have only just been added to Cumulus (e.g. dominant wind direction, heating/cooling degree days) are estimated from available data for previous months/years - e.g. heating and cooling degree days are based on mean temperature.

There will undoubtedly be new bugs in this lot!

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Please direct any discussion, problem reports etc to the BETA forum: https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=20
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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1005 is available.

- Fixed forecast going blank on the hour
- Fixed zero wind chill logged with WMR200
- All internet uploads are now synchronised to the clock if the supplied interval is a factor of 60; i.e. uploads will occur on the hour and every N minutes after the hour.
- The current monthly log file can now be specified as a local file name on the 'files' tab of the internet settings, by supplying the string <currentlogfile>. This string can also be supplied as part of a remote file name, but note that a full path still needs to be given, e.g. html_files/weather/<currentlogfile>.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Please direct any discussion, problem reports etc to the BETA forum: https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=20
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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1006 is available.

- Ini-file option to turn off creation of wxnow.txt file. Add a line 'CreateWxnowTxt=0' to the [Station] section.
- Stop Twitter uploads when enabled not ticked but other details present (bug introduced in 1005).
- Make sure sunshine hours gets written to yesterday.ini
- Cater for zero rain in NOAA reports
- Fix date/time editor crashes (new version of TMS Grid component)

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Please direct any discussion, problem reports etc to the BETA forum: https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=20
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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1007 is available.

- Graph display period can now be set to any value.
- Reads latitude and longitude from Davis console. The values aren't used, but the hope is that this will cause the Davis DLL to modify the wind direction in forecasts depending on your location. On the other hand, it may have no effect.
- New web tag <#cloudbasevalue> gives cloud base without units
- Davis reception stats are read. See new web tags in help. Hover over tx battery status to display.
- Option to auto-save NOAA reports after daily rollover. Saved to 'Reports' folder.
- Option to run external program after daily rollover. See Internet Settings.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1008 is available.

- Initial support for Blake-Larsen sun recorder
- Dayfile.txt editor - see the help for this before attempting to use (and, of course, take a backup of your dayfile.txt before using!)
- Recording of number of consecutive rain days and dry days, with associated current month, year, and all-time records, and corresponding web tags (see help for new web tags). This facility uses the RainDayThreshold setting in cumulus.ini to decide whether it's a rain day or a dry day.

Note that this starts counting from when you first run it. You can stop Cumulus and edit today.ini to set up the current sequence, and you can use the high/low editors to initialise the corresponding records from the data in dayfile.txt.

I've updated the standard web pages to include the new data.

- New web tag for Fine Offset Lux value - <#Light>
- Changed Fine Offset code to use 10% when humidity reads FF (underflow) instead of using last good reading
- Added calibration multiplier for UV
- Added ability to specify 'norms' for temp and rain in NOAA annual reports
- Check for 'partial packets' in WMR200 logger download
- Change apostrophe encoding in <#currcond> from &apos; to '

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Please direct any discussion, problem reports etc to the BETA forum: https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=20

Edit: A note on the RainDayThreshold setting. This is a cumulus.ini file setting in the [Station] section which is used to determine whether a day counts as a 'rain day' or not. If the total rain for that day is greater than or equal to the configured value, it's a rain day. The default values (which should be fine for most users) are 0.2 mm if you use millimetres, or 0.01 in if you use inches. If you change the value (by adding a line RainDayThreshold=x to the [Station] section of cumulus.ini, or editing the line if it already exists) specify the value in whatever units you use (just specify the number, not the units).
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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1009 is available.

- Fix duplicate 'rain today' sent to CWOP
- Fix "norms" in auto-save NOAA reports
- Format <#Light> to allow for large values
- New web tags <#THWindex> and <#THSWindex> (Davis stations only)

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1010 is available.

As usual, see the help for more details of additions

- New web tag <#WindRoseData> - comma-separated list of the wind 'totals' used to draw the wind rose (8 or 16 values)
- New web tag <#WindRosePoints> - the number of items in <#WindRoseData> (i.e. 8 or 16)
- New web tag <#WindSampleCount> - the number of wind samples making up the wind rose (etc) data (up to 3600)
- Format of filenames for NOAA reports can now be specified
- New option to FTP latest auto-saved NOAA reports at end of day (see NOAA setup)
- New web tag <#LatestNOAAMonthlyReport> gives file name of latest auto-saved NOAA monthly report
- New web tag <#LatestNOAAYearlyReport> gives file name of latest auto-saved NOAA yearly report
- Various minor bug fixes

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Please direct any discussion, problem reports etc to the BETA forum: https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=20
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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1011 is available.

- Option to have 'independent' graphs window (has task bar button) - see display settings
- New statistic - daily temperature range, with highs/lows and usual web tags (see help). Use record editors to initialise highs/lows from dayfile.txt
- New statistic - Rain in last 24 hours. Displayed on main screen (if you use midnight rollover). Sent to CWOP. Web tag <#r24hour>
- New cumulus.ini option to disable check on 'initialised' bytes on Fine Offset stations. Add a line to the [Station] section:


With this set, Cumulus will no longer attempt to verify the contents of the first two bytes of the station memory to check that the station is fully initialised, and hence will attempt to read data from the station even if it thinks it is uninitialised. Use at your own risk.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1012 is available.

- Fix WMR200 outdoor sensor archive data if extra sensors present
- A few other bug fixes

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1013 is available.

- Fix WMR200 outdoor sensor archive data if extra sensors present - second attempt
- New cumulus.ini setting, in the [Station] section:


Sets the period over which Cumulus determines the peak 'gust' value that it displays on the main screen (and plots on the wind graph by default). The default setting is 10 minutes.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1014 is available.

- Make sure 24 hour rain can never be negative, no matter how oddly the station behaves
- Fix La Crosse 24-hour rain at start up

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1015 is available.

- Correct <#rmonth> and <#ryear> to include today's rain (broken in build 1011)

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1016 is available.

- Make sure 'BARREAD' data is read off (Davis stations only) to perhaps avoid problem with altimeter pressure.
- Make wind speed gauge opaque
- New web tag - <#MoonAge> - Current APPROXIMATE 'age' of the moon in days (0-29)

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Please direct any discussion, problem reports etc to the BETA forum: https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=20
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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 1017 is available.

-New web tags:

<#cloudbaseunit> - the units used for cloudbase, i.e. "ft" or "m"
<#tempunitnodeg> - the temperature units being used, without a degree symbol, i.e. "F" or "C"
<#beaufortnumber> - the current wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6"
<#Tbeaufortnumber> - today's high wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6"
<#Ybeaufortnumber> - yesterday's high wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6"

This is the "release candidate". If no serious problems are identified over the next day or so, I plan to make this the "stable" version of Cumulus.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Please direct any discussion, problem reports etc to the BETA forum: https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=20
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Re: Cumulus 1.9.2 beta available

Post by steve »

Cumulus 1.9.2 has now been released; there is currently no beta version. Many thanks to all the beta testers.
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