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After moving from Windows to Linux: Spike removal: Pressure difference greater than specified; reading ignored

Posted: Sun 05 May 2024 3:16 pm
by sRoydSmith
Hello, I have been using CumulusMX for 10+ years on Windows. Yesterday I moved my CumulusMX 3v.3.28.6 build 328 from Windows to Linux. I have a Davis Vantage Pro2 and I have changed nothing in the Davis console and it shows data as it normally has in the past. The console is connected via USB to the Linux computer as it was to the Windows computer. Most things are working just fine but I have two problems I can figure out.

Problem 1) My pressure reading shows in Cumulus as zero. In the log file I see the following message over and over:

2024-05-05 07:53:53.549 Spike removal: Pressure difference greater than specified; reading ignored
2024-05-05 07:53:53.549 Spike removal: NewVal=30.0 OldVal=9999.0 SpikePressDiff=999.0 HighLimit=1090.0 LowLimit=870.0

I have no idea where an OldVal of 9999 is coming from. I have tried to increase SpikePressDiff but that does not seem to help.

Problem 2) I upload data to three third-parties. The upload to Weather Underground is working except the pressure is missing, which makes sense because of Problem 1 above. My upload to does not seem to work and my upload to APRS/CWOP is not working either. I have not changed any of the settings for these three third-party integrations so I can figure out why 2 out of 3 are not working. I don't see anything in the log file in MXdiags. Could it be the data is rejected because of the zero pressure?

I have attached my Cumulus.ini and the most recent log file from MXdiags.

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Steve Smith

Re: After moving from Windows to Linux: Spike removal: Pressure difference greater than specified; reading ignored

Posted: Sun 05 May 2024 4:20 pm
by mcrossley
Please reset the high and low limits to to inHg values rather than hPa values.

This is the second report of this and I need to investigate why (the spike settings changed from using metric only to native units)

Re: After moving from Windows to Linux: Spike removal: Pressure difference greater than specified; reading ignored

Posted: Sun 05 May 2024 5:07 pm
by sRoydSmith
OK Mr. Wizard, that fixed everything! Thanks very much for the quick response. I was hours into fiddling around and had run out of ideas so I am very pleased that you had the fix for me. If there is anything I can send you to help with the debugging on your end, let me know.

Again, Thanks! Steve Smith

Re: After moving from Windows to Linux: Spike removal: Pressure difference greater than specified; reading ignored

Posted: Sun 05 May 2024 5:18 pm
by mcrossley
You will need to do the same for the other spike values as well.

Re: After moving from Windows to Linux: Spike removal: Pressure difference greater than specified; reading ignored

Posted: Sun 05 May 2024 5:19 pm
by mcrossley
And you need to have a look at your dayfile...

Code: Select all

2024-05-05 05:57:53.497 LoadDayFile: Attempting to load the day file
2024-05-05 05:57:53.510 ERROR: Duplicate entry in dayfile for 1/11/2020
2024-05-05 05:57:53.558 ERROR: Duplicate entry in dayfile for 8/26/2021
2024-05-05 05:57:53.573 ERROR: Duplicate entry in dayfile for 1/6/2022
2024-05-05 05:57:53.576 ERROR: Duplicate entry in dayfile for 1/23/2022
2024-05-05 05:57:53.576 ERROR: Duplicate entry in dayfile for 1/24/2022
2024-05-05 05:57:53.576 ERROR: Duplicate entry in dayfile for 1/25/2022
2024-05-05 05:57:53.576 ERROR: Duplicate entry in dayfile for 1/26/2022
2024-05-05 05:57:53.577 ERROR: Duplicate entry in dayfile for 1/27/2022
2024-05-05 05:57:53.577 ERROR: Duplicate entry in dayfile for 1/28/2022
2024-05-05 05:57:53.721 LoadDayFile: Dayfile parse = 223 ms
2024-05-05 05:57:53.721 LoadDayFile: Found 9 duplicate entries, please correct your dayfile and try again