Welcome to the Cumulus Support forum.

Latest Cumulus MX V4 release 4.3.0 (build 4063) - 04 December 2024

Latest Cumulus MX V3 release 3.28.6 (build 3283) - 21 March 2024

Legacy Cumulus 1 release 1.9.4 (build 1099) - 28 November 2014
(a patch is available for 1.9.4 build 1099 that extends the date range of drop-down menus to 2030)

Download the Software (Cumulus MX / Cumulus 1 and other related items) from the Wiki

Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

From build 3044 the development baton passed to Mark Crossley. Mark has been responsible for all the Builds since. He has made the code available on GitHub. It is Mark's hope that others will join in this development, but at the very least he welcomes your ideas for future developments (see Cumulus MX Development suggestions).

Moderator: mcrossley

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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Patch release 3.6.12 - b3088 is available for download
  • Fix Davis stations not downloading historic logger data (broken in b3087)
Changed files...

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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Release 3.7.0 - b3089 is available for download

There are quite a few changes in this release...
  • Fix: Humidex was treated by MX as a temperature and incorrectly converted using the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion (if that was the user selected temperature unit). Humidex is a dimensionless scale that should not be converted to retain meaning
  • Fix: Thread unsafe graph data access
  • Fix: Real time SFTP not recovering from some reconnection situations
  • Fix: Add missing "rc" function from <#battery> web tag
  • Fix: Remove units from Humidex value on the chart tooltip
  • Fix: Station Settings page menu
  • Fix: Davis WLL devices were flagging sensor contact lost for lost packets, now it only flags contact lost when resynchronising with a transmitter
  • Adds a logger interval check for Davis VP2 stations - prints warning to console and log file if there is a mismatch
  • Now supports some of the Cumulus 1 Graph plotting options, configured via Station Settings
    • Cumulus.ini file settings

      Code: Select all

      		InTempVisible=1		*new?
      		HumidexVisible=1	*new
  • Remove defunct WeatherBug upload from Cumulus MX
  • Humidex is now a fully fledged variable...
    • Daily, monthly, yearly highs
    • Recent data
    • Graph data - added to MX interface
    • Records
    • New Humidex web tags:

      Code: Select all

      		<#humidexTH>, <#ThumidexTH>
      		<#humidexYH>, <#ThumidexYH>
      		<#MonthHumidexH>, <#MonthHumidexHT>, <#MonthHumidexHD>
      		<#YearHumidexH>, <#YearHumidexHT>, <#YearHumidexHD>
      		<#humidexH>, <#ThumidexH>
      		<#ByMonthHumidexH>, <#ByMonthHumidexHT>
  • Add Humidex to default web site trend graphs
  • Now only calculates Humidex above 10C
  • Day file updated with four additional fields or Humidex high, high time
  • Monthly log file has an additional field for Humidex
  • Daily SQL table has two additional columns for Humidex high, high time
  • Monthly SQL table has an additional column for Humidex
  • Add new web tag <#timeUnix> = provides current date/time as a Unix timestamp (like <#timeJavaScript>)
  • The web tags <#SunshineHours> and <#YSunshineHours> now accept the decimal place parameter "dp=n"
  • Adds a new web token processor API - details available separately
  • Spike removal settings are now active for all station types - TAKE CARE! Use with caution
  • Spike/limit logging is now enabled by default for new installs
  • Adds a new alarm - Spike removal triggered - it stays active for 12 hours, or it is cleared if you save the calibration settings
    • New web tag <#DataSpikeAlarm>
    • New Cumulus.ini file settings...

      Code: Select all

  • New "Limits" implemented. Now MX ignores temperature, dew point, pressure, and wind values outside sensible value ranges from any station type (these also trigger a spike alarm)
    • Set via the Calibration settings screen
    • New Cumulus.ini file settings...

      Code: Select all

  • New web tags for latest build notification - these require internet access to be meaningful

    Code: Select all

    	<#NewBuildAvailable> - returns "1" or "0"
    	<#NewBuildNumber> - returns the latest available Cumulus MX build number

As ever I recommend updating ALL files, but here is a list of changed files...

Code: Select all


Expect some forum posts on the new API and Limits to follow...
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Release 3.8.0 - b3090 is available for download

This is fairly major change in that Cumulus can now be run as a service on either Windows or Linux.

If you use AWEKAS uploads, please read the important notes below.
  • Fix: Malformed API JSON returned by api/tags/process.json if no data output is generated
  • Fix: Crash on start-up on the 1st of the month between 00:00 and rollover hour when using 9am rollover
  • Fix: AWEKAS Sunshine hours were being truncated to integer hours
  • New feature: Cumulus MX now supports running as a system service
    • When running as a service the normal console output is logged to a file: \MXdiags\ServiceConsoleLog.txt
    • On Windows
      • - To set Cumulus up as a service run it as an Administrator using the command line parameter -install
      • To remove the Cumulus system service run it as an Administrator using the command line parameter -uninstall
      • The service will stop itself if it detects that the computer is going into standby
      • To add parameters to the service when it starts automatically you will have to edit the registry

        Code: Select all

        Add the parameters after the quoted executable string. Eg.
        "C:\CumulusMX\CumulusMX.exe" -port 9000
      • The service can be stopped/started using the usual utilities:
        The Services applet:- services.msc (You can pass parameters using this tool, but they are not saved for future use)
        The service command line tool:- sc start|stop|query CumulusMX [optional parameters for start-up here]
    • On Linux
      • Run Cumulus using the mono-service command instead of mono. You also need to add the command line parameter -service

        Code: Select all

        > mono-service -l:/var/run/cmx.pid CumulusMX.exe -service                              (if pathed to CumulusMX folder)

        Code: Select all

        > mono-service -l:/var/run/cmx.pid -d:<</path/to/cumulusmx>> CumulusMX.exe -service    (from any location)
      • To stop the service you use kill, which will perform an orderly shutdown of MX

        Code: Select all

        > kill `cat /var/run/cmx.pid`
  • New feature:
    • When running on Linux there is now an init.d script to start/stop the service.
    • The script can be found in the \MXutils\linux folder
      • Copy it to your /etc/init.d folder
      • Change the permissions to 0755

        Code: Select all

        > chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/cumulusmx.sh
    • The script supports the following commands: start, stop, restart, status, removelock
      • start: Starts MX as a service and creates a lock file to prevent it running again
      • stop: Stops MX as a service and removes the lock file
      • restart: Stops, then starts MX
      • status: Reports if MX is running (only by checking the lock file at present), and dumps the latest console output to screen
      • removelock: Removes a stray lock file if one gets left behind
    • The command line would be: /etc/init.d/cumulusmx.sh start|stop|restart|status|removelock
    • Script name: \MXutils\linux\cumulusmx.sh
  • New feature:
    • When running on Windows as a service, the service will stop if the computer goes to standby/hibernate mode. A script to set up
      a Scheduled Task that will restart the service on resume from standby/hibernate is provided in the \MXutils\windows folder.
      The script MUST be run with Administrator priveldges.
    • Script name: \MXutils\windows\CreateCmxResumeFromStandbyTask.ps1
  • Adds a new web tags for the Davis WLL device.

    Code: Select all

    <#ConsoleSupplyV>   - The WLL external supply voltage
    <#MulticastBadCnt>  - Count of multicast packets missed or have bad a CRC
    <#MulticastGoodCnt> - Count of good multicast packets received
    <#MulticastGoodPct> - Percentage of good multicast packets received
  • On new installs of Cumulus MX, changes the default value of "WarnMultiple" from false to true
  • Adds a download history limit of 50 bad packets for WMR200 station types. Prevously it could get stuck in a loop downloading bad data.
  • Adds Show UV-I to the graph hide/show options
  • Updates ExportMySQL to include the new Humidex values from b3089
  • AWEKAS uploads updated to API v4 - now can include indoor data, soil temp/moisture 1-4, and leaf wetness 1-2. And it supports rapid updates - minimum 15 seconds if you have a Stationsweb subscription, min 60 secs for Pro accounts, and 300 seconds for normal accounts
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: THe AWEKAS interval has changed from being set in minutes, to being set in seconds.
      You MUST update the AWEKAS interval in the Internet settings/Cumulus.ini file to reflect this change.
    • New Cumulus.ini entries

      Code: Select all

  • Enabling/disabling and changing intervals for Twitter, WUnderground, Windy, PWS Weather, WOW, APRS, AWEKAS, Weather Cloud, MQTT from Internet Settings now takes immediate effect and does not require a Cumulus restart.
  • Adds a new Cumulus.ini file only, read-only setting

    Code: Select all

  • Adds a new folder in Dist zip file: /MXutils
    In here I will add the various scripts etc that are provided with the releases to update MySQL or aid moving from one release to the next.
    See above for new Windows and Linux scripts when running as a service
Updated files

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New files

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	\MXutils   - and folder contents
Last edited by freddie on Thu 13 Aug 2020 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Corrected build number
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Release 3.8.1 - b3091 is available for download

A patch release to fix some issues with v3.8.0 - Primary fix is for Davis stations using TCP attached loggers (including meteobridge, WiFi loger etc).
  • Fix: Davis TCP loggers failing to connect correctly
  • Fix: NOAA reports not viewable in Admin interface when Cumulus started as a service
  • Fix: Prevents an Exception on shutdown when running as a service
Updated files

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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Release 3.8.2 - b3092 is available for download

Some bug fixes, and adds MXdiags log rotation.
As setting the console clock on Davis VP2 stations is so "expensive", MX now checks teh console time first, and only sets the clock if it is > 60 seconds out.
Users of SFTP can now use a private key file to authenticate, configure this via the Internet settings screen.
  • Fix: Davis VP2 stations - LastRainTip not being updated correctly with mixed metric/imperial gauges/units
  • Fix: Davis VP2 stations - Bug that prevented the seconds being read from the console clock
  • Fix: Dashboard temp/press trend arrows not working in locales with comma decimals
  • MXdiags log files are now rotated if they exceed 20MB in size, 15 log files are now retained
  • For Davis VP2 stations, setting the console clock now checks the console time and only sets it if it differs from the current time by greater than 60 seconds
  • Davis VP2 stations protocols have been extensively rewritten to make them more efficient and less timing sensitive
    Third party IP loggers such as meteobridge and WiFi logger should now work more reliably
    - Enables PSK authentication when using SFTP. Options are now Password, PSK, PSK with Password fallback
    New Cumulus.ini entries...

    Code: Select all

    	[FTP site]
    	SshFtpAuthentication=password      [password (default), psk, password_psk]
    	SshFtpPskFile=                     [PSK filename, must include the full path is the file is not in the CumulusMX folder]
    - CMX calculated dew point is automatically enabled for GW1000 stations
Updated files

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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Patch release 3.8.3 - b3093 is available for download

Big fixes are improvements to the Davis protocol handling to make add back robustness for unreliable connections to the station.
  • Fix: The dew point threshold limit (default value 40C) was incorrectly being applied to installations configured to use Fahrenheit as if the value were in Fahrenheit.
  • Fix: Davis VP/VP2 force 1 minute barometer updates no longer working correctly after v3.8.2 protocol changes.
    Note: this setting should only be used for VP stations, or VP2 stations with very old firmware.
  • Fix: Last rain date not updating for Davis stations (fixes the mixed unit/bucket size update in 3.8.2)
  • Adds two new Cumulus.ini file settings to control the number of decimal places used for wind speeds. These override the built-in defaults.
    These settings are read-only, they can to be manually added ONLY if you need to use them. Add either or both settings as required.

    Code: Select all

Updated files

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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Patch release 3.8.4 - b3094 is available for download
  • Fix: Unhandled exception in MySQL during the start-up catch-up process
  • Fix: Graph buttons not wrapping on default web site trends page
  • Fix: Calculating the trend rain rate when a rainfall multiplier is used
  • Fix: Program Uptime when running under Mono and uptime > 24 days
  • Fix: When running as a Windows service, the service was stopped unintentionally on non-critical system power events
  • Fix: Davis VP receptions stats - ReceptionStats, FirmwareVersion and BaroRead functions rewritten
  • Adds Ecowitt GW1000 decoding of WH34 battery status
  • Adds Ecowitt GW1000 support for WH45 CO₂ sensor, no logging yet, but the decoding is there for when these sensors are released.
    - New web tags <#CO2>, <#CO2-24h>
  • Adds new Linux cumulusmx.service configuration file (thanks to freddie), this allows you run Cumulus MX as a service under Linux using the newer systemd control rather than the original init.d script supplied with v3.8.0
    • Edit the cumulusmx.service configuration file and change the path to match your Cumulus MX installation folder
    • Copy cumulusmx.service to your /etc/systemd/system/ folder
    • Cumulus can then be started and stopped with the following commands:
      > systemctl start cumulusmx
      > systemctl stop cumulusmx
    • Status and restart are available too:
      > systemctl restart cumulusmx
      > systemctl status cumulusmx
    • If you make a change to the unit file, you need to run the following command so that systemd re-reads your file:
      > systemctl daemon-reload
    • To have Cumulus start on reboot, issue the following command:
      > systemctl enable cumulusmx
    • Finally, to stop the service running on reboot, use the following:
      > systemctl disable cumulusmx
  • Adds a new web tag <#ProgramUpTimeMs> that returns the Cumulus run time in milliseconds

Updated files

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New files

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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

A new version of Cumulus MX is available - v3.9.0 - b3095

Primary change is adding initial support for the Davis AirLink air quality monitors. These devices (along with the RG-11 and Blake-Larsen) are configured via the new setup page for "Extra Sensors".

There is still missing functionality for the AirLink devices that will get added in future releases.

There are also a number of other fixes and improvements - see below.

NOTE: If you use an RG-11 rain sensor, then there is a configuration change you MUST make for it to continue functioning.

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- Fix: Running as a Windows service, now correctly reads command line parameters from the registry "ImagePath" field
- Fix: Cumulus forecast would sometimes start with a comma
- Fix: trendsT.htm location formatting
- Adds support for the Davis AirLink air quality monitor.
	- Like the WLL it supports auto-discovery of the AirLink IP address, this can be disabled via config
	- A new Settings page has been created for "Extra sensors", this is where you can configure the AirLink.
	- Logs AirLink data to a new CSV data file "AirLink<yyyyMM>log.txt" - see AirLinkFileHeader.txt for field information
	- Historic catch-up is supported if the main station is a Davis WLL and the AirLink has been added as node to this station
	- Historic catch-up for other stations will be a later release
	- Creates a new Cumulus.ini file section
		AQIformula=0      [0=US-EPA, 1=UK-COMEAP, 2=EU-AQI, 3=EU-CAQI, 4=Canada-AQHI, 5=Australia-NEMP]
	- Adds new web tags for Davis AirLink
		<#AirLinkFirmwareVersionIn>,<#AirLinkWifiRssiIn>	- Requires Davis WeatherLink Live Pro subscription
		<#AirLinkFirmwareVersionOut>,<#AirLinkWifiRssiOut>	- Requires Davis WeatherLink Live Pro subscription
- The Blake-Larsen sunshine recorder, and Hydreon RG-11 rain device configuration options can now be set on the new Extra Sensors page.
	There are two new settings for RG-11 devices, if you use these devices you must set these via the configuration page as they will default to disabled.
- Adds new graph option - Solar Visible. Setting both Solar and UV to hidden means the solar graph data files will be empty.
- CumulusMX no longer re-writes the Cumulus.ini file on shutdown
- Adds the option to set the retained flag for the MQTT feeds
	- New Cumulus.ini file settings
Updated files:

Code: Select all

	\interface				- lots of changes, all *.html files, /scripts, and /json
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Patch release 3.9.1 - b3096 is available for download

Note: This release requires Mono version 5 or 6 to work on Linux. You will experience issues running it under Mono version 4.
  • Fix: AirLink - Limit the number of decimal places in the AirLink log file
  • Fix: AirLink - The web tags for 1hr average AQI values were picking up the latest reading value in error
  • Fix: Send rounded wind speed to Weather Underground/Windy/PWS/WoW if Cumulus "Round Wind Speeds" is set
  • Fix: Replaces a bad copy of trendsT.htm that crept into b3095
  • Fix: Bug in wind spike removal that prevented it working
  • Fix: Airlink caused premature day rollover processing during catch-up
  • Workaround for the Chromium browser CSS bug that adds scroll bars to the settings screens
  • Adds a new AirLink Sensors page to the admin interface
  • Adds Netherlands LKI, and Belgian BelAQI AQI scales [6=Netherlands=LKI, 7=Belgium-BelAQI] to AirLink devices
  • All AirLink AQI web tags now support the tc=y parameter, to properly truncate the AQI to an integer value
  • Adds the ability to "latch" all alarms for a user configured number of hours
  • Adds a new web tag <#CPUTemp> - only works on Linux, updates once a minute
  • Change of JSON library from Newtonsoft to ServiceStack.Text
  • Dashboard now updates every 2.5 seconds to match Davis stations (was 3 seconds)
Please note that this release uses a new JSON library, switching libraries is always fraught with danger, so be on the lookout for any issues, particularly with Davis WLL stations and Davis AirLink sensors that make extensive use of JSON.

This release also sees the general availability of a pre-built Raspberry Pi image..
Image file can be found here.
Instructions: can be found here.

Updated files...

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	\AirLinkFileHeader.txt                      - NEW
	\Newtonsoft.Json.dll                        - REMOVED
	\ServiceStack.Text.dll                      - NEW
	\System.Buffers.dll                         - NEW
	\System.Memory.dll                          - NEW
	\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll - NEW
	\interface\*.html                           - ALL html files
	\interface\json\ExtraSensorOptions.json     - NEW
	\interface\json\ExtraSensorSchema.json      - NEW
	\interface\js\airlink.js                    - NEW
	\interface\js\extrasensorsettings.js        - NEW
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Update release 3.9.2 - b3097 is available for download.
  • Fix: Change log messages for number of SQL rows affected to Debug only messages
  • Fix: AirLink web tags no longer error if the sensor is not enabled - all now return "--"
  • Fix: Australia NEPM AQIs to allow values greater than 101
  • Fix: Canada AQHI - still based on PM2.5 3 hour values only
  • Fix: Dutch and Belgian AQI calculations
  • Fix: Default web site temperature Trends graph yAxis issue
  • Fix: Broken logfile, extralogfile, and dayfile editors in b3096
  • Fix: Improve Instromet stations error handling of out of sequence responses
  • Fix: Extra files without the EOD flag were not being transferred during the EOD upload period (first after rollover)
  • Adds Notifications to Alarms
    Note: Cumulus notifications only work by default if you run the browser on the same machine as Cumulus and connect using the
    url: http://localhost:8998
    In order to get them working on a remote machine you will have to change an advanced flag in your browser.
    This is at your own risk as advanced flags are unsupported features in Chrome and Edge.
    In Chrome or Edge, open the url - "about:flags"
    Find the entry "Insecure origins treated as secure" and enable it
    The add the url you use to remotely access the Cumulus dashboard - eg.
    Then click the button to restart your browser. Notifications should now work.
  • Adds Latch times to Alarms. You can now specify a period in hours that an alarm will remain active after the event that tripped it has reset.
  • The default value for "DavisIncrementPressureDP" is changed from true to false
    ** The effect of this is that for Davis VP/VP2 stations, the default number of decimal places used for pressure values changes
    from 2 dp (hPa/mb) and 3 dp (kPa, inHg) to 1 dp (hPa/mb) and 2 dp (kPa, inHg)
    ** If you wish to retain the previous behaviour, then you MUST add the setting "DavisIncrementPressureDP=1" to your Cumulus.ini file
  • Wind Rose is now populated from data files at start-up (last 24 hours)
  • New graphs option to show/hide sunshine hours data
  • New admin interface historic graphs (and associated API)
  • New default web site page to show historic graphs
  • Adds Air Quality to Recent Graphs in Admin Interface and default web site - configure a primary AQ sensor in Station.Options
  • Adds Air Quality upload to WeatherUnderground. Enable in WeatherUnderGround settings, and configure a primary AQ sensor in Station.Options
  • Adds Air Quality upload to AWEKAS. Enable in AWEKAS settings, and configure a primary AQ sensor in Station.Options
  • Adds ability to define the number of decimal places used for various weather units via read-only settings in Cumulus.ini.
    The full list of existing and new values is:

    Code: Select all

    	WindSpeedDecimals=1         // Existing entry
    	WindSpeedAvgDecimals=1      // Existing entry
    	WindRunDecimals=1           // NEW
    	SunshineHrsDecimals=1       // Existing entry
    	PressDecimals=              // NEW [hPa/mb=1, inHg=2]
    	RainDecimals=               // NEW [mm=1, in=2]
    	TempDecimals=1              // NEW
    	UVDecimals=1                // NEW
    	AirQualityDecimals=1        // NEW - affects AQI values only, not PM values
  • Lots of internal code fettling
  • New Cumulus.ini read-only entry to control the data read rate for Instromet stations. The value is in milliseconds, default is 500.

    Code: Select all

  • Admin interface tweaks
  • Change WUnderground Password field name to Station Key in settings
Note: If you are using the default web site, you will need to upload the two updated/new scripts in /webfiles/js to your web server.

UPDATE: The new historic graphs for rainfall have total rainfall and maximum rainfall rate swapped. The attached zip file contains updated scripts to correct this on the admin interface and the default web site. This is only required if you downloaded the b3097 zip file before 10 Dec 2020 at 11:15 GMT.
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Update release 3.9.3 - b3098 is available for download.

It contains the following fixes and and updates...
  • Fix: Records check was triggering for very small value changes in derived values such as feels like temps
  • Fix: Catch uncaught exception on SFTP disconnect
  • Fix: FTP was inconsistent in empty remote server folder handling for real-time and interval files
  • Fix: AirLink was not using the local vs WLL API data correctly
  • Fix: EU CAQI AQI index calculations (based on the City/Urban scale)
  • Fix: US EPA AQI calculation error of values between 51 and 100
  • Fix: Removes redundant alldailywdirdata.json file from daily uploads
  • Fix: Corrects incorrect/invalid JSON being created in the alldailytempdata.json file when the dayfile contains blank entry's for dew point
  • Fix: Attempted FTP uploads of files that do not exist caused the FTP session to become non-functional
  • Fix: The monthly data log file editor erroring with 404
  • New: You can now use "<airlinklogfile>" in the extra files local filename to copy/upload the latest AirLink data log file
  • New: You can now define your Indoor AirLink as the primary AQ sensor. Note this only applies to the admin interface, its data will not be uploaded to the default web site
  • New: Adds Cumulus MX update available alarm to the dashboard - enabled by default. This also has an associated web tag <#UpgradeAlarm>
  • New: If enabled, the daily graph data files are now created at start-up and uploaded at first interval FTP. Previously you had to wait for the first EOD rollover.
  • New: If a FineOffset station is not found, MX now dumps a list of all the USB devices it can see to the MXdiags log
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Location: Wilmslow, Cheshire, UK

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Update release 3.9.4 - build 3099 is available for download.

It contains the following fixes and and updates...
  • Fix: WMR100 stations generated empty daily graph data files on start-up
  • Fix: System uptime web tag for Linux systems - maybe!
  • Fix: Historic charts wind run tooltip suffix
  • Fix: High Min Temp and Low Max Temp records editors were not displaying and allowing input of the time
  • Fix: This Month/This Year records editors were showing records for the entire day file rather than the specific period
  • Fix: GW1000 station dewpoint calculation incorrect on first packet read at start-up
  • New: Settings page: Program Settings. Moved Debug/Data logging options and Prevent Second Instance to here from Station Settings.
    Note: These settings still remain in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini file for backwards compatibility
  • New: Two settings to delay the start-up of Cumulus MX. Both added to the new Program Settings page.
    Start-up Host PING: Specify a remote hostname or IP address, Cumulus will wait for a successful PING from this address before continuing
    Start-up Delay: Specify a fixed time in seconds to delay the start-up. The delay will be executed after the PING check is one is specified
    Start-up Delay Max Uptime: Specify a maximum system uptime in seconds after which the delay will no longer be applied. Set to zero to always delay
    New section in Cumulus.ini:

    Code: Select all

    	StartupPingHost=            // Default is no remote host - enter a host name or IP address
    	StartupDelaySecs=0          // Default is no delay = 0
    	StartupDelayMaxUptime=300   // Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes)
  • New: FTP Now - Adds a new option to regenerate the daily graph data files (if enabled), and include them in the manually invoked FTP session
  • New: Adds support for OpenWeatherMap uploads (and catch-up). Using an existing station if the id is supplied, or your API key only has one station defined.
    If no stations are defined CMX automatically creates a new one using your station details and starts uploading to it.

My use case for the start-up delay is as follows...

Cumulus MX is running as a service on Linux, auto-start is enabled, so it will run on a system boot (e.g. recovering from a power outage)

I have set it to wait for a ping response from "www.weatherlink.com" (the cloud service that provides history data for my WLL station). This means that I know MX will be able to download any missing historic data as it starts.

I have the start-up delay set to 5 minutes (300 seconds), and the "Max system uptime to apply the startup delay" also set to 5 minutes.

This means that on boot, MX will start, wait for a ping response from "www.weatherlink.com", then if the system has been running less that 5 minutes, wait an additional 5 minutes before starting the station in MX. This gives the WLL device a chance to upload its historic data to wl.com, before MX tries to read it from the cloud.

If I stop/start the MX service after the system has been running for more than 5 minutes, then it just does the ping check to wl.com, and starts straight away, the delay does not apply.
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Weather Station: Davis VP2/WLL
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Update release 3.9.5 - build 3100 is available for download.

Note that this release reverts the Renchi.SshNet component used for SFTP to an older version to alleviate the issues some people are having with the later version. This does mean that fewer key file formats are supported if you use this authentication mechanism. Password authentication is not affected.

The release contains the following fixes and and updates...
  • Fix: Alarms being cleared after their defined latch time even if latching was disabled
  • Fix: Adds missing dew point calculation for GW1000 extra T/H sensors 1-8
  • Fix: Potential Object reference not set to an instance of an object fault on initial configuration [Goran Devic]
  • Fix: Failed connections to some SFTP servers - Renchi.SshNet library reverted to older version
  • Fix: Improved accessibility of the "Extra web files" page
  • Fix: Tweak to Sunshine hours counter reset logic (primarily for Imet stations during a power cycle)
  • Fix: Davis Console battery low threshold changed from 4.0 V to 3.5 V
  • Fix: Rework station rain counter reset logic. Cope with Davis station start-up on the first day of new rain season which is not January
  • New: More comprehensive support for the Ecowitt WH45 CO₂ sensor...
    - Added to Extra Sensors page
    - Added to Strings.ini
    - Can be selected as the primary AQ sensor
    - New web tags:
    <#CO2-pm2p5>, <#CO2-pm2p5-24h>, <#CO2-pm10>, <#CO2-pm10-24h>, <#CO2-temp>, <#CO2-hum>
    - Added to ExtraLog file, columns for: CO2, CO2Avg, pm2.5, pm2.5Avg, pm10, pm10Avg, Temp, Hum
  • New: Improved GW-1000 device auto-discovery, after initial discovery or user input of the IP address it locks onto the MAC address for further changes in IP
    If multiple potential devices are found they are now listed and the user must add the appropriate IP into the config and restart Cumulus.
    Discovery is now run whenever a Data Stopped condition is detected (and periodically thereafter until the data resumes)
    New Cumulus.ini setting:

    Code: Select all

  • New: Adds a browser cache time limit of 5 minutes to the Admin interface static files
  • New: NOAA reports settings now have an option to force "dot" decimal points, this overrides your locale setting
    New Cumulus.ini setting:

    Code: Select all

  • Tweaks the charts for both the admin interface and the default web site
  • Rework of Airlink sensor implementation - no functional changes
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Weather Station: Davis VP2/WLL
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Update release 3.9.6 - build 3101 is available for download.

This fixes a few issues found in 3.9.5, and re-works the charts on the admin interface and default website to fix a Fahrenheit issue and workaround what appears to be a bug in Highcharts. I have tested these a few times, but I've been going cross eyed looking at them, hopefully they now work OK for everyone.

Having had a second Airlink to use for a while to debug some issues with wl.com, I found some shortcomings in the automatic discovery mechanism with multiple devices which I have fixed.

The release contains the following fixes and and updates...
  • Fix: NOAA monthly report min temp/rain not formatting in dot decimal correctly
  • Fix: Windows console log no longer being created
  • Fix: Fix for exit handlers being called before cumulus instance is initialised causing an unhandled exception
  • Fix: Airlink auto-discovery/update when you have more than one Airlink device
  • Fix: Upgrade & Spike alarm latch hours not being saved/read correctly. You will need to check the values after installing this release.
  • Fix: Rework both the interface graphs and default web site graphs JavaScript files
  • Fix: SampleStrings.ini changes/fixes. The following entries should not longer be quoted - Davis Forecast strings and CO₂ captions
  • Change: Recent graph hours now defaults for new installs to 72 hours instead of 24
  • Change: All alarm latch hours now default to 24 hours
EDIT: The distribution zip file has been updated to the "a" version on 21-Jan-2021 22:55 GMT
Updated supporting files:
- /interface/js/charts.js
- /webfiles/js/cumuluscharts.js

See the download page.
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Posts: 13858
Joined: Thu 07 Jan 2010 9:44 pm
Weather Station: Davis VP2/WLL
Operating System: Bullseye Lite rPi
Location: Wilmslow, Cheshire, UK

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Update release 3.9.7 - build 3107 is available for download.

This release has a few minor fixes to the Cumulus MX program, but the main changes are to the Dashboard and default web site which see the addition on a new selectable data graph.
  • Fix: Unhandled exception in ProcessTemplateFile if cumulus cannot write to the output file
  • Fix: Davis IP logger prevents Cumulus exiting if no station is found on the network
  • Fix: Ecowitt AQ sensors not loading graph data from the log files on start-up
  • Fix: Bug in dayfile parser that was using the time of highest wind speed as time of lowest humidity.
    - The dayfile parser now outputs the first field number in a line that has failed to parse along with the field contents
  • Fix: The GW1000 retains the previous lightning time/distance if the station resets the values to defaults
  • Fix: Now opens the Davis WLL multi-cast listening port in shared mode to allow multiple copies of Cumulus to run on the same computer.
    Only tested on Windows, may not work on macOS.
  • New: Adds a Select-a-Chart to the dashboard for recent data so you can plot different data on the same chart
  • New: Adds a Select-a-Chart to the default web site for recent data
    - Creates a new json data file - availabledata.json - that is uploaded to the remote site
  • New: Adds a hot link to the Upgrade alarm on the dashboard
  • New: Adds a start-up host ping escape time. Allows Cumulus to continue loading even if no ping response is received for the specified time
  • Change: The default web site gets a CSS change that dynamically alters the "content" width depending on the screen size. On smaller screens the white space either side will reduce in size.
  • Change: The graph JSON data files are now always created locally, regardless of the Include Graph Data Files setting. That now setting only controls FTP like the standard files.