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Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

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Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

This version (build 472) has a few bug fixes and a few new features, please try it and let me know how you get on. Back up your data!

- Changed "kph" to "km/h"
- Changed graphs left axis increment for rainfall in inches
- Changed 'gust' in realtime.txt back to 'latest gust'
- Fixed temp/pressure/rain last hour and rate, during startup
- Fixed wind direction offset crash
- Added 'build' web tag
- Wunderground 'rapid fire' option
- 'Close on suspend' option

Note that the 'rain last hour' improvement adds a 'total rainfall' field to the data log files, and may take up to an hour after you first run 1.8.3 before it starts working correctly.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe
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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

I've uploaded a new build (473) which fixes the problem where the hourly rain could suddenly become impossibly high. Which, oddly, only I seemed to be hitting.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe
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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

I've uploaded a new build (480), with the following changes:

- added total rain count to data log files
- Improved UI response for VP/VP2 users
- Attempt to solve problem of 'Please wait' window not closing (and fix progress bar) for Fine Offset users
- Added 'recent max gust', 'heat index', and 'humidex' to realtime.txt
- Added <#humidex> web tag

There is now some experimental support for La Crosse WS2300 weather stations, so if anyone reading this has one, please do try it. It doesn't yet support downloading the history data from the logger.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

And yet another build (482) to attempt to fix the startup problems with Fine Offset stations introduced with the previous build.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe
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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 483 now available - attempts to fix the problem of missing data at startup for Fine Offset stations.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe
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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 488 now available:

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Adds creation of wxnow.txt file
Further improvements to rain graphs for inch units
Corrects display of 'calibrated' wind values

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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 493 now available.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

- Added inside temp and humidity to data log file
- Added inside temp, inside and outside humidity to select-a-graph
- Changed default date/times for select-a-graph
- Changed checking of Fine Offset status byte
- Swapped positions of Temp Min/Max and Rain Today thumbnails

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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Please note that there is a bug in the 1.8.3 beta which means that it will crash at startup if used for a fresh installation. I'll fix this before the release version.

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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 498 now available.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Fixed some problems with VP2 logger data download
Attempt to cater for a strange case where the very first line received from a Fine Offset station was repeated
Fixed crash at startup on new installs

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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 503 now available.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

- Corrected display of 'yesterday' calibrated rain
- Changed due north bearing from zero to 360 degrees
- Added extra diagnostics for Wunderground update
- improved graphs scale for rain in millimetres
- a few other small changes

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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 510 now available.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

- Encoded space in Wunderground string correctly
- Added two new graphs, and average temp to min/max graph

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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 513 now available.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

- (#29) Fixed problem where data logs don't get created on first run (Oregon only)
- Fixed windchill calculation for data from Davis logger

I'm hoping this will be the last beta of 1.8.3, assuming no other problems appear.

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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 514 now available.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Changes the ftp order so extra files get done first (as before) and makes extra file paths consistent.
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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 517 now available.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

Fixes problem where calibrated wind values were not used in some places.

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Re: Cumulus 1.8.3 beta available

Post by steve »

Build 522 now available.

http://www.nybbles.co.uk/downloads/beta ... sSetup.exe

- Allow for calibration in wind chill, dew point, and heat index
- 'Calculate wind chill' option

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