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Error Logging

Posted: Sun 17 Jan 2016 9:42 pm
by langstroth2
Does CumulusMX write an errorlog anywhere - I couldn't see anything obvious.

I ask because Cumulus stopped reporting station data. After killing Cumulus (running as system in the background), I restarted it on the cmd line so I could see the start up output - and it reported
"Error reading data from station - it may need resetting". Yep, the receiver seemed to have locked up - at least the USB download element. Restarted the receive and all is fine.

It would be good to be able to check an error log next time if Cumulus itself was operating OK, but having problems accessing data. Sorry if it does and I missed a setting or file somewhere?

Otherwise, its been running rock solid for over a month so far.

Re: Error Logging

Posted: Sun 17 Jan 2016 10:22 pm
by daj
There's a MXdiags folder under CumulusMX containing text files

If you have Debug Logging turned on in Options the logs will contain a lot more info.

TIP: In the options section there is also a setting for 'Synchronise Fine Offset reads' -- Tick this. I found my Fine Offset style station had locked too, but enabling this seems to have helped

Re: Error Logging

Posted: Sun 17 Jan 2016 10:27 pm
by water01
In the place you have installed CumulusMX you should find a directory called MXdiags. In there you will find log files called .txt files with the date followed by the time CumulusMX started i.e 20160105-081539.txt which is log file which started on the 5/1/2016 at 08:15:39. These files contain all logging at a standard level from CumulusMX.

If you want more detailed logging there are details in the notes Topic for the release of MX and in this forum on how to set extra logging by setting certain switches in cumulus.ini prior to starting it.