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Clear fine offset memory.

Posted: Sat 23 May 2015 6:38 am
by mspec
Been using mx since the beginning and have not had what I would call a single issue. Well done Steve I could only imagine the amount of work that you have put into it.

Don't even know if this is possible or even worth considering but it would be handy to be able to clear the fine off set stations memory every now and then.

Currently I have to spin up easy weather so I can clear it. You can also do it from the console but to be honest at my age who wants to have to get off the couch to walk all the way to the console to do this.

As above its just a suggestion and thought I would mention it.


Re: Clear fine offset memory.

Posted: Sat 23 May 2015 7:32 am
by water01
Not sure why you need to clear the memory as it is cyclic memory i.e. when it is full it overwrites itself and continues to go round and round as the graphic on the console suggest!!. Do not worry that the memory display shows it as full, it just always contains the last xx days of data depending on your logging value.

I have been running mine for over 4 years without once clearing the memory.