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WMR200 invalid CRC

Posted: Wed 13 May 2015 1:31 pm
by ronholmj
Hi all

I've been using Cumulus and my WMR200 since 2011 but it just recently stopped working. Cumulus starts up and reads some records, then pauses indefinitely with the "Downloading data" dialog displayed but not changing. The software is responsive and will shutdown if I press the close button, and I can access the menus just fine.

I think this started after a fairly lengthy power outage.

I've checked the log files ( cumulus\diags\cumulus.009 etc.) and the point where they quit/pause always has "WMR200: Invalid CRC"

Sometimes this happens earlier and sometimes later (i.e. it is not the same record every time).

Any ideas/suggestions?


Re: WMR200 invalid CRC

Posted: Wed 13 May 2015 1:41 pm
by steve
If this is always during the logger download phase at start up, then you could try clearing the logger - perhaps a full reset. You could also check that the USB cable is plugged in firmly, try a different cable, a different USB port, etc.

Re: WMR200 invalid CRC

Posted: Wed 13 May 2015 2:19 pm
by ronholmj
Thanks Steve

Yes - it was always during the logger download. Is there a specific reset/clearing procedure?

I turned off the "use data logger" under station configuration and it has run steady since then (less than 1 hour so far). If I turn the data logger back on now will it be "cleared."

I think I've got a bunch of those USB cables around - I'll try swapping it out.


Re: WMR200 invalid CRC

Posted: Wed 13 May 2015 2:27 pm
by steve
ronholmj wrote:Yes - it was always during the logger download. Is there a specific reset/clearing procedure?
There is, but I can't remember what it is. It's some combination of presses on the screen, and the lights do a 'countdown' as the memory is cleared.
I turned off the "use data logger" under station configuration and it has run steady since then (less than 1 hour so far). If I turn the data logger back on now will it be "cleared."
That does seem to confirm that it's a corruption in the logger memory. But just getting Cumulus to ignore the logger data won't have cleared it, the station decides what to send, so you may find that if you turn it back on you will hit the same problem again. Worth trying as a simple next step, though.

Re: WMR200 invalid CRC

Posted: Wed 13 May 2015 3:23 pm
by ronholmj
Ah - I misunderstood. I thought you meant a complete reset of Cumulus (not the station).

Last night I pulled the batteries and unplugged the station and left it overnight - with no improvement this morning when I turned it back on. There is a "pin reset" I think on the back. I can give that a try later today.
