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Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 9:55 am
by captzero
Hi beteljuice,

I'm using the 'old' code successfully and I am thinking of upgrading to the new improved version but the examples linked to in the first post show 'Monthly Climatological Summary for Apr 2011' when viewing other months and year data. I'm assuming others are using the new script without any problems so is this only happening in the demo pages.


Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 9:58 am
by JennyLeez
captzero wrote:Hi beteljuice,

I'm using the 'old' code successfully and I am thinking of upgrading to the new improved version but the examples linked to in the first post show 'Monthly Climatological Summary for Apr 2011' when viewing other months and year data. I'm assuming others are using the new script without any problems so is this only happening in the demo pages.

Yep just the demo. All good here :)

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 10:02 am
by beteljuice
captzero wrote:Hi beteljuice,

I'm using the 'old' code successfully and I am thinking of upgrading to the new improved version but the examples linked to in the first post show 'Monthly Climatological Summary for Apr 2011' when viewing other months and year data. I'm assuming others are using the new script without any problems so is this only happening in the demo pages. ...
If you mean the actual reports themselves - YES, the beteljuice no longer runs a weather station, ergo doesn't run Cumulus, ergo no reports of my own :?

They are just multiple copies of other peoples data for display / testing purposes ;)

EDIT: I'll change the titles to avoid confusion :bash:

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 10:03 am
by captzero
Great. Thanks. I'll give it a go.

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 1:27 pm
by muppet77
beteljuice wrote:
muppet77 wrote:well done for finding the reports too beteljuice

I thought the line of code was enough...
It should have been !

If I put your script in my reports directory - everything works without any glitch. ... s/noaa.php (you've opted for 'classic' nav)

EDIT: The opendir() function has problems working in the 'root' directory.
It will probably work if you put in the server path to your web pages root:
eg. "/home/bert/public_html/"

If that doesn't work you will have to create a sub-directory for your reports.

thanks and apologies!

is there an easy way to find my root address?

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 1:37 pm
by beteljuice
If you have a ftp program, just login and start going 'up' the directories. The 'full' path may already be displayed in your ftp prog.

My web pages root for example /(username)/public_html

Your username may or may not be displayed, try it both ways - if you can't work it out ask your webspace provider.

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 1:52 pm
by beteljuice
Just checked godaddy very unhelpful support forum ..

"Our Hosting servers do not included a /public_html/ folder, ..."

They suggest that if a prog requires [root] to try "/" (no dot - I'm not optimistic :? )

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 5:11 pm
by muppet77
thanks for your help beteljuice.

according to a script my dirname is just a full stop .

which i tried with no success.

i then tried to eliminate the need for a dir to be opened in the script - without success

so for now i will have to stick with the reports being in a folder

thanks everyone!

(if anyone can get rid or edit the script so $NOAAdir is not needed i would be interested)

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 6:05 pm
by beteljuice
After running some php addressing checks this was my PM response:
muppet77 wrote: - i'm looking at removing the need to open a sub directory in the script now...
but we have just proved that you must have a sub-directory !

It always was the best option.

The script inspects the contents of a (stated) directory, and looks for files with a particular naming format.

In the (html) root there is the future possibility of many files to be checked and the accidental naming of none related files that seem to match the expected format.

Unfortunately opendir() is unhappy in (html) root which for that function is a php nomansland. In your case, because of the lack of a higher directory structure php can't work out where it really is.

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011 6:44 pm
by muppet77
ok - i understand now.

many thanks Beteljuice.

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Sun 30 Oct 2011 11:40 am
by neil
Thanks Beteljuice
This is superb I have sort of tried to produce records on my site but this is a lot better
My limited coding knowledge prevented me from anything more complex than pasting in the monthly screen shots from cumulus
Had it up & running in a few minutes works really well alongside David's daily data sheets


Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Sun 30 Oct 2011 3:06 pm
by beteljuice
Thank you for using it (and the acknowlegement ;) )
My limited coding knowledge prevented me from anything more complex than ...
STOP USING Frontpage !

You'll be confused by all the rubbish it puts in :?

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Sun 30 Oct 2011 5:02 pm
by neil
My pleasure credit where its due :)
Just got to have a play and get it working as an include
im using Namo web editor which is a little dated now but i dont really have the time to learn how to code completely from scratch
Learn a new bit every time i change a page so i will get there in the end :!:

there you go
50 minutes later
just got to edit the links to make it part of my weather pages :D
still couldnt do it without the excellent instructions though

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2011 2:50 pm
by beteljuice

Re: PHP Web 'viewer' for Cumulus NOAA Style reports

Posted: Tue 01 Nov 2011 8:55 pm
by neil
Ok everythings up and running I have copied all my records into a spreadsheet & worked out averages for temperature & precipitation 1/1/2009 to 1/11/2011
On the NOAA setup screen the bit thats got me stumped is the heating threshold & cooling threshold
Could anybody explain what this means & how to calculate the figures
Thanks in advance