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Latest Cumulus MX V4 release 4.2.1 (build 4043) - 19 October 2024

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Legacy Cumulus 1 release 1.9.4 (build 1099) - 28 November 2014
(a patch is available for 1.9.4 build 1099 that extends the date range of drop-down menus to 2030)

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Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

From Cumulus MX version 3 build 3044 the development baton passed to Mark Crossley. Mark has been responsible for all the Builds since, and has recently released Cumulus MX version 4. He has made the code available on GitHub. It is Mark's hope that others will join in this development, but at the very least he welcomes your ideas for future developments (see Cumulus MX Development suggestions).

Moderator: mcrossley

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Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

A new beta version 4.0 is available - b4018.

The following issues are addressed in this build:
  • Reworked GetVersion() to account for published beta builds
  • Fix backup error on first start-up
  • Change uniqueid.txt file handling to allow for zero length files
  • wxnow.txt file now has the option to force UTC timestamps
  • Fix WLL not binding to broadcast port in shared mode
  • Add optional parameter "-servicename xxxx" to Linux service -install and -uninstall, it defaults to "cumulusmx"
  • Fix error/crash in Ecowitt GetStationList() processing
  • Add Davis WeatherLink Console archive decodes for historic: baro, internal T/H, soil/leaf, enviro-monitor
  • MySQL Connector updated
The beta b4018 download is direct from Github: https://github.com/cumulusmx/CumulusMX/ ... ta4018.zip
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

A new beta version 4.0 is available - b4019.

The following issues are addressed in this build:
  • Change HTTP Ecowitt "warning" messages
  • Fix WeatherUnderground rapid fire updates
  • Fix MySQL Custom Upload Minutes firing every minute for all configured intervals
  • Adds decode for Ecowitt CO₂ PM1 and PM4 when using local API
    - New web tags: <#CO2_pm1>, <#CO2_pm1_24h>, <#CO2_pm4>, <#CO2_pm4_24h>
  • Fix MAC address field not always displayed in Station Settings for HTTP Ecowitt stations
  • Fix Extra Sensor graph data not being created for none dot-decimal locales
  • Enable MQTT updates for Tempest Rapid Wind packets
  • Fix Extra Web Files not obeying the UTF-8 setting when creating a local file
  • Fix bug in AWEKAS rate limited code that disabled the upload completely
https://github.com/cumulusmx/CumulusMX/ ... a4019.zip
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Version 4 Release Candidate #2

This is a release candidate and is a not a debug build, so no debug or data logging enabled by default. You would be advised to enable logging if you are reporting an issue.

The distribution file now also contains the alternative dashboard interface as an option, it is in the /interface/ai2 folder.
To use the alternative interface, point your browser to http://<ip_address>:8998/ai2/index.html

I have released this as a release candidate as there have been some significant internal code changes from the previous restricted release b4020 RC #1. I want to make sure there are no unforeseen side effects before finally releasing version 4 as the production release.

A new feature is the ability for MX to calculate Sea level Pressure from the stations absolute (station) pressure value. This is particularly for Ecowitt stations that do not provide a true SLP themselves, just a simple offset from station pressure.

A note of caution though, I tested this on my Davis WLL and the MX calculated SLP was about 0.1 hPa different from the WLL calculated SLP and what I expected. On the first GW1100 I tried, the SLP was way off. On checking, the absolute pressure reading on the GW1100 was significantly different from the WLL (and wrong!). I compared my GW1000 and GW1100 and they had a 4 hPa difference in the raw absolute pressure values, so it may be that Ecowitt do not apply any factory calibration to the sensor.

As noted below, if you enable the option for MX to calculate SLP, then the MX calibration settings will be applied to raw station pressure, not the final SLP.

NOTE: There is known bug in PHP upload, if you use this you must enable the advanced option "Ignore certificate errors". I have fixed this for the next build.

You can download this release from here: https://github.com/cumulusmx/CumulusMX/ ... /tag/b4021

The changes for this release from b4019 are:

4.0.0 - b4021
  • Force all locales to use the hypen-minus symbol
  • Reload dayfile can now only be run as a single instance
  • Add "MX calculates Sea Level Pressure"
    • Applies to HTTP Ecowitt, HTTP Ambient, GW1000, Ecowitt Cloud, FO, Davis Cloud WLC stations
    • When enabled, the pressure calibration is applied to the raw station pressure
    • Check your station pressure (Absolute) calibration!
  • Adds true Altimeter Pressure calculation to GW1000, HTTP Ecowitt, Ecowitt Cloud
    • Check your station pressure (Absolute) calibration!
  • Fix web tags #MonthTempAvg, and #ByMonthTempAvg for cases where there is no data, and the 1st of the current month (#MonthTempAvg)
  • Add option to upload individual NOAA reports
  • Third-party web uploads
    • Add random jitter
    • Set HttpClient Pool lifetime to two minutes
  • Ecowitt firmware check now clears the alarm after a firmware update
  • Add retry to Ecowitt firmware check on "Operation too frequent"
  • Improvements to Davis WLL wind handling when:
    • Transitioning from catch-up to live running
    • No broadcasts are received
  • Davis WLL improved recovery from loss of broadcast messages

4.0.0 - b4020
  • Fix Irish time zone DST reversal for "use 10am in summer"
  • Clear the recent error log now also clears the latest error web tags
  • Move ThreadPool min/max to runtimeconfig file
  • Logged exception messages now also update LatestError and LatestErrorTS
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

Please Note if you are going to use this release you must follow the instruction in this Topic viewtopic.php?t=22051
Failure to do so will mean Version 4 will not run as the base files have to be converted from Version3 to Version 4 and Version 4 NO LONGER uses MONO, it uses .NET8.


Release 4.0.0 - build 4022 - is available for download.

Initial release of Cumulus MX which now runs under Microsoft .NET 8.0 and removes the requirement for the Mono runtime environment on Linux

Please read this topic for more information on setting up v4 and migrating from v3 to v4.

The distribution zip file now includes the optional AI2 interface for you to try, as well as updated versions of CreateMissing and ExportToMySQL.

Please also read the Known Issues thread for information on problems already reported and any workarounds.

Full release notes:

  • Moon Image now supports transparent shadows
  • The -install/-unistall command line switches now support both Windows and Linux
    • Under Linux run > sudo dotnet CumulusMX.dll -install -user <username> [-port <port_number>] [-lang <lang-code>]
    • Windows install as a service now self-elevates and requests UAC
  • Implements encryption of the credentials in the cumulus.ini file
  • Experimental Gmail OATH 2.0 authentication
  • New web tag for the average temperature of the previous 24 hours from now: <#TempAvg24Hrs>
  • Cumulus backups are now zipped
  • Add Enable option to Extra Web Files so you can now save entries but not have them active
  • Ecowitt - added firmware update check on start-up and once a day at 13:00
    • New Firmware Alarm to support this
    • New web tag <#FirmwareAlarm>
  • Adds new web tags for temperature means

    Code: Select all

    	<#ByMonthTempAvg mon=[1-12]>        Mean for requested month over the entire history. Omit the mon parameter for the current month
    	<#MonthTempAvg m=[1-12] y=[YYYY]>   Mean for the requested specific month. Omit the parameters for the current month
    	<#YearTempAvg y=[YYYY]>             Mean for the requested year. Omit the y parameter for the current year
  • Add "MX calculates Sea Level Pressure"
    • Applies to HTTP Ecowitt, HTTP Ambient, GW1000, Ecowitt Cloud, FO, Davis Cloud WLC stations
    • When enabled, the pressure calibration is applied to the raw station pressure
    • Check your station pressure (Absolute) calibration!
  • Adds true Altimeter Pressure calculation to GW1000, Ecowitt HTTP, Ecowitt Cloud
    • Check your station pressure (Absolute) calibration!
  • Added localisation of records web tag date/time formats
  • Now includes the AI2 dashboard interface as an option
    • To access use: http://<cmx_IP_address>:8998/ai2/index.html
  • Now requires Microsoft .Net 8.0 rather than mono to run under Linux and MacOS
  • All data files are now written/read as invariant - dayfile, monthly log files, extra log files, AirLink, and custom log files
    • NOTE: Custom log files may require the user to alter their configuration to use comma separators and add the rc=y parameter to numeric web tags
  • Monthly log files now renamed to "[yyyyMM]log.txt" to remove localised month name - and now sortable in the file system!
  • Added MigrateData3to4 utility.
    Basic workflow:
    • Clean install v4
    • Copy v3 Cumulus.ini to root
    • Copy v3 /data and /Reports folders to v4 install
    • Rename the /data folder to /datav3
    • Run MigrateData3to4
    • Done!
  • Removed previously deprecated web tags

    Code: Select all

    	CO2-24h, CO2-pm2p5, CO2-pm2p5-24h, CO2-pm10, CO2-temp, CO2-hum
  • Loading dayfile now continues on error and reports total errors - only the first 20 errors are logged
  • You now only set the Ecowitt MAC/IMEI address in one place for the various station types
    • In Local API settings for GW1000 type
    • In Cloud Access API for Cloud and HTTP station types
  • Problems when using a 9am rollover in the records editors for values from the monthly log files
  • Select-a-Period charts not respecting the interval dates: Air Quality, CO₂, Soil Moisture, Leaf Wetness
  • Calibration Limits not changing when the user changes units - eg initial install
  • Potential fix for corruption at the end of all data log files when shutting down
  • Error that the username is not set when sending email to a server that requires no authentication
  • Improvement to GW1000 API reconnects
  • Improved web socket initial connection to send data immediately on dashboard/now/gauges connection
  • Fix for soil moisture conversion from percentage to cb in Weather Cloud uploads
  • Reload dayfile can now only be run as a single instance
  • Improvements to Davis WLL wind handling when:
    • Transitioning from catch-up to live running
    • No broadcasts are received
  • Davis WLL improved recovery from loss of broadcast messages
  • Spike/limit improvements
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

A patch build v4.0.1 b4023 is now available.

I have pushed this out sooner than usual to fix a couple of problems in the 4.0.0 build that were causing new installs some problems.

The changes in this release are:

  • There is now a 32 Windows specific version of executable - CumulusMX32.exe
    - The same applies to MigrateData3to4, CreateMissing and ExportToMySQL
  • Removed the experimental Gmail OATH2 authentication method
  • Third party uploads now have retries and the timeout increased to 30 seconds
  • Fixed Spike handling for outdoor temperature
  • Fixed David Cloud (VP2) station sometimes not decoding dew point, adds indoor temp/hum decode
  • The -install option now works on 32 bit Windows
You can download this release from here.
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

If you already downloaded v4.0.1 before this message, then there is a new zip available in the post above - CumulusMXDist4023a.zip.

The new zip contains recompiled versions of MigrateData3to4, ExportToMySQL, and CreateMissing.

Due to a fault in build process introduced by the 32 bit executables, these have had to be recompiled - there are no changes to the programs themselves.
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

There is a new version of MigrateData3to4 available for download. See the wiki downloads page

v1.0.1 has fixes for locales that do not use the semi-colon time separator and those that have long abbreviated month names - greater that three characters, so quite a lot of locales!
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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

Post by mcrossley »

WARNING: Do not install this release if you have a Davis VP2/Vue station

Release 4.1.0 - build 4024 - is available for download.

This sees a few new features added, issues fixed, and a brand-new station type.

The new JSON Station

The new station I am flagging as "Experimental" for now due to lack of testing and exposure to the real world.

The station type accepts JSON data input, the JSON data format is described in a JSONC file MXutils/WeatherStationInput.jsonc
The aim of this new station is flexibility, it will accept input from a file (so superseding and extending the old EasyWeather station), via a HTTP POST, or an MQTT channel.

The JSON format can be extended in future to support more data types, but I think is fairly comprehensive in this initial release.

Release Notes

  • HTTP (Ecowitt) station now accepts the data via a simple GET url as well as POST
  • Cumulus now calculates the AQi for Ecowitt PM and CO₂ sensors
      • New web tags:

        Code: Select all

        	<#AirQualityIdx1[-4]>, <#AirQualityAvgIdx1[-4]>
        	<#CO2_pm2p5_aqi>, <#CO2_pm2p5_24h_aqi>, <#CO2_pm10_aqi>, <#CO2_pm10_24_aqih>
    • Add new pressure units option of kilopascal (kPa)
    • New station type added: JSON Data Input, marked as "experimental" for now, but testing so far has been successful
      • Accepts data in a JSON format defined in MXutils/WeatherStationInput.jsonc
      • Input mechanism is via:
        • Named file
        • HTTP POST to http://[CMX_IP_Address]:8998/station/json
        • MQTT using a named topic
    • Locale Strings now has settings for the default record date/time text
    • Removed option for WOW catch-up, it isn't supported by WOW
    • Moved the log file header info files to the MXutils/fileheaders folder
    • Temperature Sum graph data when Sum0 is the only selected range
    • Fix <#NewBuildAvailable> and <#NewBuildNumber> web tags
    • Fix for Davis VP2 consoles losing todays rainfall on a full power cycle
    • Exception when enabling real-time FTP whilst running and FTP logging is enabled
    • Davis WLL now fires a single "sensor contact lost" warning message + contact restored
    • Fix for multiple realtime FTP log-ins being attempted in parallel
    • Alarm actions errored if the action parameter field is empty
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    Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

    Post by mcrossley »

    A patch build v4.1.1 b4025 is now available

    This fixes the Davis VP2/Vue rain counter reset issue.
    The zip also includes a new version of MigrateData3to4 utility to fix the broken version in the v4.1.0 zip file.

    • Davis VP2/Vue raincounter reset problems
    • Another raincounter reset issue that has been lurking
    • Wizard made Ecowitt API key and secret mandatory
    • Fix for FTP overwrite performing delete + create of remote file
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    Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

    Post by mcrossley »

    There is a new version of CreateMissing - v2.0.1 - available for Cumulus MX v4.

    It fixes a locale issue reading the log files.

    Please use this version if you use a comma decimal in your locale.
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    Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

    Post by mcrossley »

    A patch build v4.1.2 b4027 is now available

    This also includes a new version of MigrateDatav3to4

    • Adds wind run to the dashboard "now" page
    • Adds support for the format parameter to the <#ProgramUpTime> and <#SystemUpTime> web tags
    • New web tag <#AnnualRainfall>
      • Defaults to the current year if no year is specified, so = <#ryear>
      • Accepts a tag parameter of y=nnnn, which will return the total rainfall for the specified year. Eg. <#AnnualRainfall y=2021>
    • Daily backup now runs asynchronously to prevent it stopping MX continue to run
    • Davis VP2 connection type being decoded from Cumulus.ini incorrectly
    • Add missing knots input to JSON station
    • Solar W/m2 should use superscript in dashboard
    • Cumulus Calculates SLP giving a spike on start-up with the following stations: Ecowitt Local API, Davis Cloud Station, Ecowitt Cloud Station, HTTP Ambient, HTTP Ecowitt
    • Add missing wind run units and extra space in humidity % in ai2 dashboard
    • Remove UV/Solar missing data messages from Davis Cloud (VP2)
    • A new version of MigrateData3to4 (1.0.3) to fix issues migrating the day file
    • Negative 0.0 appearing when no rainfall has occurred
    • Davis Cloud Station wind processing changed, instead of MX trying to calculate an average wind speed, MX now uses the wind speed data from Davis directly.
      The data rate from the cloud is not fast enough for the average to be calculated.
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    Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

    Post by mcrossley »

    An update version - v4.1.3 b4028 - is now available

    There are some fixes, and a new feature from Davis stations that allows you to use the station UUID rather than the numeric station_id to identify the station in the WeatherLink.com API settings. The UUID is string like "f8fb0649-f6ef-44ca-9ab2-25c59fb1acbf" that forms the last part of any weatherlink.com page that shows your stations data or settings. This is much easier to access than the numeric station id. You can specify either value in the API settings and Cumulus will discover the other setting for you.

    The updates are as follows:

    • New web tag <#stationId> which returns the internal station number used by CMX to determine the station type
    • For Davis WLL and WeatherLink Cloud stations you can now specify the station identifier using the stations UUID instead of the numeric Id. The UUID is simpler to find as it forms part of the URL of every web page related to your station on weatherlink.com

    • The Cumulus MX version comparison with latest online at startup and daily
    • Fix CMX version check when no betas are available on GitHub repo
    • Davis Cloud Station can now accurately determine the current conditions update rate
    • Fix Davis WLL (and others) creating erroneous wind speed spike warnings
    • Alternative Interface 2 - Davis reception stats display incorrectly
    • Davis Cloud Station (VP2) now correctly displays the Davis ET values when "Cumulus calculates ET" is not enabled
      • Note: If "Cumulus calculates ET" is not enabled, the last hours ET every day, will be accumulated in the first hour of the following day
    • Davis WLL, and Davis Cloud stations, fixed a problem where the rollover would not be performed if historic data was not available, and MX was stopped before the rollover and restarted after
    • Improved Ctrl-C shutdown of Cumulus MX for Davis VP2 stations when they are failing to connect with the station
    • Fix Ecowitt firmware check when running test firmware
    Package Updates
    • SixLabors.ImageSharp
    • FluentFTP
    • MailKit
    • NReco.Logging.File
    • ServiceStack.Text
    • SSH.Net
    • SQLite
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    Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

    Post by mcrossley »

    A new version of Cumulus MX - v4.2.0 b4039 - is now available

    The primary change for this release is the creation of a new station type. This station utilises the Ecowitt local HTTP API which it is rumoured will at some point to replace the TCP API on new stations. Like the TCP API, it is a polled interface, so Cumulus can control the rate at which data is fetched from the station.

    Other new highlight include:

    Two new dashboard pages to view Interval and Day file data using an interactive selection, so you can pull out selected data between specified dates.

    A new dashboard page to query daily data. For eaxmple you can find min/max/avg/count values for specified data items between specified dates. To go along with this, there is a new general purpose web tag that can retrieve the same data - and more!

    There is now also support for the Ecowitt WS90/WS85 haptic sensors new "is raining" capability to trigger the Cumulus Is raining alarm and web tag.

    Note also that the Updates.txt file is no more, it has been replaced by a new file called CHANGELOG.md

    Please read that file for the full release details.
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    Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

    Post by mcrossley »

    The WeatherCat data import v1.0.0 is now available - see the Wiki page for the download: https://cumuluswiki.org/a/Software
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    Re: Cumulus MX Announcements and Download - PLEASE READ FIRST

    Post by mcrossley »

    I have withdrawn the 4.2.1 b4040 release - sorry, a couple of issues crept in that I apparently did not test. I'll be back this afternoon and look into this.

    Meantime, please revert to v4.2.0