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WLL device id on WeatherLink APIv2 value?

Posted: Fri 18 Sep 2020 7:15 pm
by mlucas
Hello All,

I have a new Vantage PRO 2 which I am setting up with a new instance of Cumulus MX and the USB DataLogger from Davis. I have created my WeatherLink Live account and generate the API2 keys. However, the generated DeviceID on the WeatherLink Device Info page is alphanumeric. When I enter this in the Cumulus "WLL device id in WeatherLink APIv2" field (under the Davis WeatherLink Live section) , I get a validation error saying the value is not numeric.

Where do I find the Device ID value for the APIv2?

Thank you,

Re: WLL device id on WeatherLink APIv2 value?

Posted: Fri 18 Sep 2020 8:30 pm
by mlucas
Found a Wiki link for the Davis devices (
That page notes leaving the Device ID blank.

New question, the WeatherLink setup in Cumulus is only for pulling the data from the WeatherLink website (API) into Cumulus, correct? Cumulus does not push data it has read from the serial port/logger to WeatherLink. One must use the WeatherLink software to have upload that data, right?


Re: WLL device id on WeatherLink APIv2 value?

Posted: Fri 18 Sep 2020 9:28 pm
by mcrossley
I think you are confusing different things here.

You say you have a VP2, that is not a WeatherLink Live (WLL) device.

With a VP2, Cumulus does nothing with, it reads live and historic data from the VP2 logger. The settings you are talking about are for WLL devices.

A VP2 can have a account, but you have to run the WeatherLink software to perform the uploads. A VP2 can only have one piece of software talking to it at once.

Re: WLL device id on WeatherLink APIv2 value?

Posted: Fri 18 Sep 2020 9:30 pm
by mlucas
Thanks for the clarification Mark.