Hi Javier,
OK. This seems a two way problem.
1) It does not run wel in the environment because it crashes on its encounter of Newtonsoft.Json library.
2) There are some questions to the CumulusRealTimeLocation.
ad 1) From what I see is that you use a version incompatible with the libraries present on his system
What version of CumulusUtils is being used and what system is Cumulus running on? Please use 4.7.0 with CMX 3.9.1 to prevent continued dll-version discrepancies. NOTE: a bin directory has been created for cutils. Read the release post well! The Newtonsoft library is replaced by ServiceStack.Text.dll and the FTP system has been rewritten. My advise is to use only plain FTP for now.
ad 2) Having said that, it became clear that the parameters
UploadDir and
CumulusRealTimeLocation give some confusion so I updated the manual on this. I quote:
1. Parameter UploadDir (section [FTP site]) determines to which FTP directory the upload goes. With a leading slash it is an absolute FTP path, without slash it is a relative path to the FTProot. If this parameter is empty all output is uploaded to the parameter Directory in the Cumulus.ini file (section FTP site]) (this does NOT end with a slash)
2. Parameter CumulusRealTimeLocation (section [Website]) determines where the javascript runtime searches for the realtime files uploaded by CumulusMX. It is an absolute or relative path to the Webroot. It must end with a slash.
(I may end the 'slash ending confusion' some time soon).
If you run into problems check with F12 (console) the path to
realtime.txt and adjust if there is an error. (so in your case I would set "UploadDir=/cumulusutils" and (assuming that is where the reatime files go)
CumulusRealTimeLocation=/ or empty (and btw: your solution I think is OK too
So, at least get the website up and running and then we will look at the
CumulusRealTimeLocation .
Hope this helps.
(Quite unfortunate a new user starts in the confusion around version 4.7.0 and the dll version troubles)