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Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Thu 30 Apr 2020 9:13 am
by laulau
I've done a modified version of AnemometerTX.ino to add solar value to my VP2.
I think the RFM69 sendig are ok for that.
my actual config :
IIS with id=0 for temp/hum and rain
Transmitter id=1 for wind
Arduino Pro mini with RFM69 as IIS id=2 for Solar Rad
In WeatherLink i can't add a second IIS just for solar (only one is admitted) and i can't add a transmitter for solar, there no option for that.

Any though how i can add my solar value in the system ?
18 5 52-00-00-FF-71-00-62-00-00-43
Solar:478.00 / 1.758 = 271 = 0x10F << 6 43C0 packet3 and packet4 | 5 : 43C5
19 6 62-00-00-43-C5-00-82-00-00-FF
0 8 82-00-00-FF-C5-00-92-00-00-00
1 E E2-00-00-80-01-00-01-04-02-02
2 5 52-00-00-FF-71-00-62-00-00-43
3 4 42-00-00-FF-C5-00-52-00-00-FF
4 8 82-00-00-FF-C5-00-92-00-00-00
5 E E2-00-00-80-01-00-01-04-02-02
6 5 52-00-00-FF-71-00-62-00-00-43
7 9 92-00-00-00-05-00-A2-00-00-00
8 8 82-00-00-FF-C5-00-92-00-00-00
9 E E2-00-00-80-01-00-01-04-02-02
10 5 52-00-00-FF-71-00-62-00-00-43
Solar:478.00 / 1.758 = 271 = 0x10F << 6 0x43C0 packet3 and packet4 | 5 : 43C5
11 6 62-00-00-43-C5-00-82-00-00-FF
12 8 82-00-00-FF-C5-00-92-00-00-00

10 5 52-00-00-FF-71-00-62-00-00-FF
Solar:1761.00 / 1.758 = 1001 = 0x3E9 << 6 = 0xFA40 packet3 and packet4 | 5 : FA45
11 6 62-00-00-FA-45-00-82-00-00-FF
12 8 82-00-00-FF-C5-00-92-00-00-00
13 E E2-00-00-80-01-00-01-04-02-02
14 5 52-00-00-FF-71-00-62-00-00-FA
15 A A2-00-00-00-01-00-E2-00-00-80
16 8 82-00-00-FF-C5-00-92-00-00-00
17 E E2-00-00-80-01-00-01-04-02-02

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Thu 30 Apr 2020 10:44 am
by mcrossley
That is what I use my relay device for. As you say you can only have 1 ISS connected to a VP2 console, and it will only read solar data from an ISS.

So you have to make it appear as if all the data is coming from a single ISS.

OR - Buy a WeatherLink Live device, or a Metobridge Pro (was Red).

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Thu 30 Apr 2020 12:30 pm
by laulau
So i'll take the RxTx sketch and add the solar data ! ;)

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Thu 07 May 2020 12:21 am
by laulau
Hi Mark,
I've done a modified version of RelayRxTx and include solar data.(Arduino nano with RFM69HW)
The serial output show that packets are transmitted but VP2 console don't get them.
I run ISSRx.ino sketch on an other arduino equiped with RFM69 to decode the transmission.
I get the station0 and station1 (my real ISS and my wind transmitter) but don't receive the TX_ID 2 packets !

Do you have any idea what could go wrong ?

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Thu 07 May 2020 11:08 am
by mcrossley
OK, it looks like the frequency is dialled in as the fei numbers are low.
The timing intervals look good.

As it happens, I just received a couple of EU ISS boards today, and I have the same problem. The VP2 is only picking up the odd packet from the Moteino. So it looks like it may be an EU vs. US frequency problem...

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Thu 07 May 2020 11:31 am
by laulau
I'm a little lost :
rssi is received signal strength indication.
What is fei and which value should we have ?
Do you have an US frequency system ?

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Thu 07 May 2020 11:46 am
by mcrossley
OK, for me my frequency was off, I had been using a correction of q-450 for US 928MHz, but switching the 868 I had to remove the correction and it is working fine now.

I'll contact you to discuss, because I don't think my current code is not not checked in to Git.

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Thu 07 May 2020 9:25 pm
by safuser
So, I have ported RxTx code to Adafruit ESP32 feather with RFM69HCW featherwing. More on that later.. Realizing from your last post I do not have your current code. Where should I be looking to minimize FEI? currently using Q-400 to minimize error on console. I have added some to the serial output i.e.:

17:13:55.670 -> 973427257 R 80-00-4C-27-39-07-39-32-FF-FF 1 0/333/7/97.9 34 -69 -6.00 2562512 ok 0 106 temp 62.7 (17.1)
17:13:55.808 -> 973479952 T E3-00-4C-39-01-0E-ED-BD-FF-FF 4 -/---/-/---- 43 - - 2750019 ok 0 107 rain 57
17:13:55.808 -> Station Data: Wind Knots: 0.0 Dir: 107 Outside TempF: 62.70 Outside TempC: 17.06 Outside Humid: 37.10
17:13:55.808 -> Radiodata: Chan: 43 RSSI: -69 FEI: -104 packets: 333 lostPackets: 7 stationsFound: 1 curStation: 0 numStations: 1 discChannel: 16

Getting 97%+ receive from VUE on chan 1. Then relay to VP2 console on CH4. Console is showing 98% with ~0 Freq error now. Does the freq correction apply to both transmit and receive or can they be split using different valus for each? From serial clip above, seems like my receive is off? BTW, US Freqs.

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Fri 08 May 2020 12:30 am
by laulau
Despite ISSRx.ino sketch doesn't receive the TX_ID 2 data i gave a go on my VP2 and :o some packets were catched.
VP2 doesn't stay synchronised with station 3 and data from my wind transmitter (station 2) were also lost.
I think i have to change the TX parameters on the fly and see what happens, but i don't know if i have to change thee timer or the frequency values!
Other point : how to get the ISSRx sketch to receive the TX_ID 2 data ?

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Sat 09 May 2020 9:52 am
by mcrossley
As I have just changed the frequency of my VP2 setup from 912MHz to 868MHz I had to revisit my relay. I have made some changes and it now seems to work pretty well - the EU frequencies did not look right to me (too much jitter in the frequency correction on the console) and I have produced a new set, mine have come out at evenly spaced intervals, which makes more sense to me than the randomly spaced intervals in the original code.

I have also put a brief 'how-to' in the ReadMe file on tuning your set-up. I'll do some final testing today, and then make the new code available....

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Sat 09 May 2020 3:05 pm
by laulau
Ok, let me know when the new code is available.
In the meantime i have tested again, and my VP2 is catching the relay data with the solar included :D
It works with a Nano and a HOPERF RFM69HW-868S2.(older model)
The IISRx sketch isn't receiving the relay data :x it's a Pro Mini with a RFM69HCW-??? .
I've triyed with a Mega2560 but the serial monitor only show the TX packets, no data incoming :shock:
The final goal is to catch the solar packets from my WeatherDuino and insert them in the VP2 data stream.

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Sat 09 May 2020 7:41 pm
by mcrossley
Latest code pushed to my fork - actually not many changes, but the ReadMe has been updated and now has some tips.

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Sun 10 May 2020 5:41 pm
by mcrossley
Another update to my fork. Something that has been bugging me for a while was one of my consoles running ver 1.90 firmware would have lots of resyncs, but the other running ver 3.12 firmware would be fine. I suspect the later firmware relaxed the timing windows. Anyway, I suspected the transmit time jitter in the RelayRxTx sketch was to blame. So this version I have dropped the second timer interrupt and now just use the one. My second ver 1.90 console is now happily staying synced.

I also tweaked the EU frequencies again, this has improved the console +/- figures to mainly stay within +/- 1, so I think the steps are correct now, but the RFM69 has 61 Hz jumps in frequency which I think is the remaining error. The absolute frequencies may be off a bit as I'm looking at this with a cheap RTL USB SDR- calibrated the best I can, but still not great.

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Sun 10 May 2020 9:06 pm
by mcrossley
Ignore that, I've managed to mess up my repo, I'll have to sort it out and get back to you when it's fixed. :bash:

Re: Davis VP2 Relay Device

Posted: Thu 14 May 2020 3:53 pm
by laulau
Something new ?
I'm having some difficulties to make the VP2 receiving the relay data.
Sometimes the station is able to get the solar data i've added and sometime not!
I don't really know what's wrong :groan: